本页主题: 金正日同志论人权 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

第一枚劳动红旗勋章 十月革命勋章
级别: 特级国家三等参事

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发帖: 1751
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金钱: 17520 卢布
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国籍门派: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


摘译自金正日同志的论文《社会主义是科学》第3部分,1994年11月1日在朝鲜劳动党中央委员会机关报《劳动新闻》上发表。) TNK~ETE4  
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现在,帝国主义粗暴地干涉其他国家的事务,践踏其他民族的主权。他们企图以“维护人权”为借口使他们的行为正当化。人权不能被视为与国家和民族的独立无关。如果被外国势力支配,那么人权就永远不能得到保障。人权是独立自主的权利,它只能由人民在政治、经济、思想、文化以及社会生活各个方面行使。帝国主义所鼓吹的“人权”是富人的特权,是凭借金钱力量为所欲为的特权。帝国主义不承认失业者有劳动权,也不把如孤儿或其他无劳动能力者的吃饭和生存权视为人权。由于帝国主义不给劳动人民以基本的生存权,而是推行反人民政策、种族和民族歧视政策和殖民主义政策,因此他们没有资格谈论人权。帝国主义是人权最凶恶的敌人。他们侵犯人民独立自主的权利,打着“维护人权”的幌子干涉别国内政。我们将坚决捍卫,决不容忍任何帝国主义干涉或肆意侵犯我们国家和民族的主权, 6I,4 6 XZ-  
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(翻译:红石) GK-__Y.  
英文稿: b~<Tgo_/jf  
The imperialists now violently interfere in other countries’ affairs and trample upon other nations’ sovereignty. They try to justify these acts under the excuse of “defence of human rights”. Human rights can not be conceived separately from the independence of countries and nations. Human rights can never be ensured for people who are dominated by foreign forces. Human rights are rights to independence which must be exercised by the people in the political, economic, ideological, cultural and all other spheres of social life. The “human rights” advertised by the imperialists are privileges of the rich, privileges to do anything on the strength of money. The imperialists do not recognize the right of unemployed people to work, or the right of orphans or people without support to eat and survive, for instance, as human rights. As they do not grant working people elementary rights to existence and as they pursue anti-popular policies and policies of racial and national discrimination and colonialism, the imperialists have no right to speak about human rights. The imperialists are the most heinous enemy of human rights. They violate the people’s right to independence and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries on the pretext of “defending human rights”. We will never tolerate any imperialist interference or arbitrariness aimed at infringing upon the sovereignty of our country and nation, which we will staunchly safeguard. (L7@ez  
“共产党是为人民服务的,如果哪天它不再为人民服务了,人民就起来推翻它!” -----毛泽东
顶端 Posted: 2009-05-01 22:24 | [楼 主]
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