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级别: 朝鲜人民军中尉

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 【下载】《军情观察室》2008-12-24 美媒:中国新型超视距雷达将锁定美航母

中国新型超视距雷达将锁定美航母 4y+< dw  
简 介:据美国《战略网页》12月12日载文称,中国正在加速发展专门用于对付航母的超视距雷达(OTH),这种超视距雷达可以精确锁定3000公里以外的海上目标,如果一旦用于弹道导弹,可以攻击西太平洋地区的美军航母。同时,这种雷达还可用于锁定来袭弹道导弹和大型轰炸机。中国显然正在尝试用价廉物美而又颇具效力的计算机系统以提高这种超视距雷达锁定海上目标的精确度。 T7#W0^tj  
顶端 Posted: 2008-12-28 10:44 | [楼 主]
级别: 劳动者

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爱心: 54 点
金钱: 384 卢布
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http://geimint.blogspot.com/2008/10/image-of-week-shencheng.html YGPy@-,E  
The image above depicts a Chinese over the horizon (OTH) radar facility. The facility is sited along the southeastern Chinese coastline near the city of Shencheng. Transmitter and receiver elements are clearly visible, as is the probable control station for the facility. This OTH facility is likely used in a sea surveillance capacity, and is apparently situated to observe the sea between the northern end of the island of Formosa and the island of Okinawa, assuming that the viewing angle allows for that width of coverage. Chinese sea surveillance OTH radar systems could be an integral part of the anti-ship ballistic missile system, providing rough positioning data on targets of interest during a time of conflict. Enhanced resolution, coordination with other sensors, or triangulation with other OTH radar systems could provide positioning data accurate enough to target anti-ship ballistic missiles, as these weapons are likely fitted with active or passive radar homing heads and would not necessarily need overly precise targeting data. Whether or not a Chinese OTH radar such as this possesses the resolving power needed to differentiate between returns to independently identify potential targets is not currently known, however, and it is likely that actual targeting coordinates for an anti-ship ballistic missile would come from outside sources, such as sea surveillance aircraft, RORSATs, or other technical means. @Q/-s9b  
其实谷歌挺快的,下面的照片就特地更新过了。 (C@~3!AVa  
[attachment=11758] /(BMG/Tb  
顶端 Posted: 2009-01-01 01:04 | 1 楼
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